Volunteers are one of the most important parts of our organization!
​We rely heavily on volunteers to accomplish our mission and keep costs low. If you are looking to learn more about area history, meet new people, and help an interesting and fun organization, there’s a place for you with us.
Education Committee
Creates and directs programs related to the history and culture of Ormond Beach and surrounding communities, including regular Historic Loop Bus Tours and occasional day trips to sites of interest, Florida Humanities Speaker Series lectures and other educational activities.
Tour Guides
Three Chimneys, historic bus tours (when they are active), walking tours, and more.
Storytellers and Re-enactors
If you have speaking experience and interest in local historical stories, you can help us at events.
Fundraising & Special Events Committee
If you have interests in these areas our Fundraising & Special Events Committee can use you.
Membership & Volunteer Committee
Recruits and retains members and volunteers, manages the membership renewal process.
Cupola Docents
The Cupola, Fortunato Park, northeast corner of the Granada Bridge, is staffed by a docent from the Historical Society Saturdays and Sundays 2 – 4 p.m., September through May.
Garden Gang
On the 1st Saturday of every month volunteers assist with the upkeep of the Anderson-Price Building gardens.
Preservation Committee
Preservation and maintenance of the Three Chimneys Sugar Mill Ruins: This includes government involvement and strategic plans for the site.
Historic Site Maintenance
Work with the Preservation Committee helping to maintain the Three Chimneys archaeological site.
Publicity Committee
Oversees all printed and electronic marketing materials to ensure proper and consistent use of name and logo; reviews flyers, posters, website, power point presentation, History Happenings e-newsletter.
Buildings and Grounds Committee
Responsible for the upkeep and preservation of the Anderson-Price Memorial Building, Cupola, MacDonald House and Nathan Cobb Cottage.
Exhibits and Collections
Design and set up exhibits. Document and catalogue OBHS collections using Past Perfect museum software.
Provide your Volunteer interests today!
Please click on the Volunteer button to complete the form and let us know your areas of interest. Someone from our team will contact you soon!